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Surrounded By The Angels
Only had the experience of the 11:11
twice and I have seen 444 once..
My second time of coming across 11:1
was just few minutes ago before going
through peoples experience...I was
about reading the experience of other
people about 11:11 then immediately
heard fireworks sounding heavily close
to my ear and I checked the time it
was 11:1 pm...After noticing that I
started going through peoples
experience and figured I was
surrounded by the 11:11 Angels...This
is a sign for us to take
note...Sending Light Love and
Name: Emmanuel
Location: Lagos
There's Magick In The Numbers
I've been seeing 11:11 for years
and was totally blown away a couple
of years back when I googled and
found it is a global phenomenon...
I see it on clocks most days and
people always propose that I have
somehow synched to looking at a
clock at that time so when it
happens randomly I love to prove
them wrong... one afternoon I saw
it with a new boyfriend on the
clock but then went on to see 2:22
3:33 4:44 and 5:55 in various
locations which totally freaked him
out! magick!
Name: Melanie
Location: New Zealand
Waking Up To Strange Sounds
since 2004 ive been seeing 222 333
444 555 and now since 2010 2011
ive see 111 1111 1122 1133 ect and
also 246 642 1234 1012 1215 911
seeing 911 for the first 2years ,
i would be warned of danger
heading my way. i dont know why or
what the other numbers mean.
however in 1995 i woke up from a
dream i had , in the dream there
was a clock and a man saying that
god would use me. When i woke up i
asked outloud, was that real and
something in my room made a sound
that was from this earth! ive
tried to make that sound but
nothing i tried worked but my
belief in god is much stronger
knowing that im not the only one
seeing numbers.
Name: mary r
Location: California usa
An Eleven Message and Future Vision
i just had a freaking scary moment i
was going through my missed calls
cause something just told me to so im
getting to the end of the list and find a
call i made it was to 1111#1111# it
was exactly 1min and 11sec long at
the time was 6:23 which equals 11 i
swear my heart alomst stoped it was
so scary and alot of ther calls were
like at 4:11or 1212 and stuff i was
like oh coincidence the i see the 1111
one i still have it on there im still
freaked out and i keep having dreams
of finding the man i love in the future
and so far things are getting pieced
together just like my dreams i have
the same posters text messages and
things i stopped having dreams when i
got to the one when we first meet and
its like my dreams were reversed and
im also taking a trip to cali soon and
thats were my dreams all take place
its all so scary.
Name: 1 in love
Location: /
The Eleven and Visions Of Love
For me it all started when i made a
wish and so seeing numbers like
1111 and suff like that and one night i
woke up at 1:11 am and the only way
i can get woken up and not be a
grumpy person is to play grenade by
bruno mars really weird i know and im
having dreams about the man i really
love and in them he saving me in
some sort of way and i look at the
clock at like 222 or 111 ,1111 and on
day im in my room writing and i swear i
heard some one say his name then my
name and so i took a picture and i
have a walk in closet and i was
standing in front of it and you can
barley see a shape behind me it looks
like and angle kind of a light white
colors and wings i almost dropped my
camera and now i feel like some one
fallows me every where but i feel safe
it all started when i fell head over
heels in love with him...
it all started when i fell head over
heels in love with him one day in my
math class my teacher said give me a
random number and i yelled 1,212
unknowingly and i realized after she
wrote it down on the board funny
thing is it was 1111 and i was also
thinking about my love right before i
yelled out i often get lost in thinking
about him like in my own world but it
was right then it all happened it was
so weird.
Name: Lindsay
Location: /
Connecting The Pieces Together
My husband and I were married
11/11/06. I remember telling him
that this date is significant I
searched the web all I found about
this date is that it's veterans day
well that couldn't be it. I didn't
find anything else and figured I'll
know when it's time, a couple of
years pass and I started seeing
11:11 all the time it would give me
an eerie feeling as if GOD was
trying to tell me something this
continued even increased it went
from clocks to billboards to
license plates ect. Months went by
I kept this to myself I didn't want
people to think I was loosing it
and then one day at work I was
talking with one of my employees
and we were discussing ascension he
wanted more info so I printed him
36 pages on ascension I also made
me a copy I went home started
reading what I had printed and got
to about the 33rd page and there it
was 11:11 phenomena or coincidence
I almost fell out of my chair when
I read this, I don't know what
excited me more the fact that I
wasn't the only one or maybe I'm
not crazy after all? Of course I
have since found tons of info about
11:11 one thing I found most
interesting is the people
experiencing this have all
researched the same things and even
had similar if not the same dreams.
All my life I had felt so alone so
different I just didn't fit in.
This is not true today, I feel so
connected. There is so much more I
would love to share, I also started
writing a book which has been put
on the back burner I feel I'm being
lead in other directions, I am the
car my CREATOR is the GPS! MUCH
Name: Drema
Location: WV
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11:11 Experiences
Share Your Own 11:11 Experience
The Eleven-Eleven Phenomenon
Interesting Things About the Number "11"
Numerology and Numbers
Coincidence and Synchronicity
Earth Changes, 2012 and the Ascension
Cosmic Beings - Lightworkers, Starseeds and indigosmallers
The Spirit Realm