
11:11 on  a digital clock

11:11 experiences and stories

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11:11 experiences 11:11 and Quantum Reality

Experience: I have just started to understand a lot about perception and our senses and the way we perceive the world and everything around us. I have started watching videos about quantum mechanics and entanglement. I came across the phenomenon of the number 11, and on that very day, I received a phone call on my mobile phone from my mother who i rarely talk to at 23:11.

I thought this was strange and Im starting to notice the number more often. I've entered the rabbit hole and Im actually quite excited about where its going to take me!! Explaining this to most people, I would sound crazy and fixed on a stupid number, but it is bigger than that and people need to wake up and start seeing the bigger picture, just like I am beginning to.

Location:London, UK

11:11 experiences A Time For Transition

Experience: Ok My experience started when I was in High School 2006. At math class I was seeing 11:11 at first it was whatever but I started to get scared because I would see it everyday at school, at home, at work even my miles of my truck ...So I kept on seeing it until November 11 the only day I didn't see it that's when i heard that my friend had died November 11..That's when I was scared for the whole day I was thinking to myself it was a sign telling me that something bad was soon to happen ..... When I see 11:11 I feel like somebody is watching me .....I would love to know why this is happening to me everytime I see 11:11 I have bad luck or someone dies why?

Name:Pablo Rodriguez
Location:Long Beach, California

11:11 experiences Guardians and Spiritual Helpers

Experience: Hi dear Angels, I started to see it like 2 and half ago, like every body, anywhere in computer, watches so and so. but suddenly started like urge, in papers, address, any where I was looking it was 1111111 I thought that it has a meaning, I praid and ask to give the meaning to this, and in the following day I was invited for a friend of mine to some spiritual healing, I was passing by that time for terrible moments, and I tought why not, I went there when the lady who is going to give the healing started to saying the 1111 guardians Angels they are picking my random spiritual helpers, in that moment started to understand what was happening to me. Actually, I have more to write about of the all things and experiences is happaening to me. I feel happy to be part of them, because I like to help people. Love, Aury

Name: Aury
Location: Miami, Fl

11:11 experiences A Birth in Divine Timing

Experience: Here's a good story. I was born 1/11/1962 and started seeing 11:11 frequently starting in '04. Couldn't figure out why, but I paid attention. My wife and I got pregnant on our 4th round of IVF when one egg made it through - very exciting. Then, after complications arose, we were told the baby would come via c-section on 11/10/07 or 11/17/07. That was too close for me, so I asked my wife to ask the doctor if we could schedule 11/11 for the delivery. My wife scoffed and said doctors are busy and these are the only scheduled days for c-sections. the Universe had other plans, her tests arrived back late to the hospital on Friday and the doctors said she couldn't go another week. They had Saturday filled already and had to move us to Sunday, 11/11/07. It gets better... once we arrived, I asked if we could go in at 11AM and the doctor said "no, a set of twins were ahead of us and it'll be this afternoon". By now, I was sure something larger was in control and simply said, "OK, but you know, if the Universe wants this kid at 11, it'll happen at 11." Minutes later, he rushes back and said the father of twins was stuck in traffic and we were up - the time, 11:05AM. My son was born 20 minutes later. We named him Evan, which I found out later means 'God is Good' in Welsh. Here's a video I edited of the day he was born:

Evan's birth day

Name: Jeff
Location: TN, USA

11:11 experiences Making Space For Synchronicity

Experience: After a really nasty divorce that took all my strength to move my kids and i out, i bought my first house on my own. The street number is 1111.
They say 11 is a doorway to your more spiritual self. Well, at my house when i bought it, the front DOOR literally came with a big bold set of 1111s plastered on it! And yes, this house has been my entry way to moving to my higher self. It was in this house that i went cold-turkey 3 years ago on my "recreational" drinking. My boyfriend at the time that made me realize my folly was born on 4/11.

A Buddhist monk did a workshop at my house, open to the community. It wasn't planned this way, but he did his talk on 11/11. Before he left, he told me "you'll be very lucky".
Here's the BONUS one::: Last fall, my daughter and i were flying to visit prospective colleges. While on the plane, she is flipping through the in-flight magazine. "hey mom," she said, ?ou're gonna like this one!" She hands me the magazine folded open to an ad featuring prominently a digital watch. You could read the whole display. Of course, the time read 11:11. But the date under it was June 25--my birthday!! (i tore out the ad!!) We got off the plane and the very first college we saw that day was the one she got accepted to and will be attending next fall.
Of course, i glance at clocks all the time and they say 11:11. I bought a package containing athletic socks, opened it up, put them on and looked down to find "ThoraFlow 11" on each foot. (i think the universe has a lively sense of humor!)
Tonite i was on-line researching the background of a master yoga teacher that i am considering studying with...Little did i know, he was featured in 11:11 Magazine and in the article was quoted as saying, "More and more people are going to be brought into the magic of 11:11. We just need to make space for things to happen." ..Gee, do you think that i'm supposed to go study with this guy!

Location:Nashville, TN

11:11 experiences A Day Filled With Eleven's

Experience: No kidding! I was just viewing this site for the first time (April 7th - which is 4/7/2009...4+7=11 and 2+0+0+9=11 hence, today is 1111!) when I received a return call to schedule an appointment with a spiritual medium/healer. She scheduled me for her first available opening on April 11th at 11:00! **chills**

Location: California USA

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