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Wondering What It's All About
It started for me several years ago, I started
noticing when I looked at the clock it read
11:11, I would check the time many times a
day for meetings and appointments but I
would always see 11:11 morning and night.
If I would be in bed before 11 p.m. I would
wake up looking at the clock at 11:11. This
went on for weeks and finally one day I was
leaving for an appointment and started my
car and the clock read 11:11, I thought to
myself this is to strange for me to keep
seeing 11:11. I don't know why but I decided
to google it, I have never googled anything
other than my name before so finding all the
information with alike experiences was
helpful for me because I really thought I was
going crazy. I read everything from past to
present, some of it I agree with much of it I
do not, who's to say. For what ever reason
after all the information I read and
acknowledging the possibilities the
occurrences are pretty much the same day to
day. The day after my investigation findings
and research I awoke at 6:11 a.m. I kind of
chuckled to myself and went on with my day,
then I looked at the clock and it read 7:11
a.m. than 8:11 this went on all day every
hour on the hour 11 after was the only time I
saw until 5:11 when I forced myself not view
any more clocks. I don't know what that was
all about or meant but it was pretty weird
and cool at the same time.
My reason for submitting my 11:11
experiences is I have no reason other than
maybe someone can attest and acknowledge.
Name: TJ
Location: USA
Fine Tuning Our Minds
I don't have any idea when this started maybe a year or two ago but it happens almost daily. Either I see 11:11 or 1:11 I have tried to not see it and that does not work. I am not sure it means anything at all but it is strange that there are a lot of folks out there seeing this. I am a Christian and do not believe that I am being visited by angels or anything like that and I do not think it is evil, but I can not help feeling like this means something. I have thought that maybe we just have tuned our minds into looking at the clock at that time. Who knows it does not bother me so we will just wait and see if it continues.
Name: Trian
Location: Texas
1111 Symbolizing Unity
I've been seeing 1111 on clocks
since 1989. In 1997 I opened a
bible randomly and started
reading. I read, "The Lord thy
God is One! It was then that I
realized that 1111 is God
communicating with me. Then I met
my wife and we decided to get
married on 1/11. I am still seeing
them on a consistant basis, so I
googled it and was shocked to see
it is a global happening. What a
great thing it and God is!
Name: Robert
Location: Florida
Someone Watching Over You
I've been seeing 11:11 everyday, in the
morning & night for a year now. I've also
noticed that my grandmother passed
away a year ago and ever since I've been
seeing this number on my clock. I think
this means she's looking after me.
Name: NYV
Location: wonderland
11 and The Orion Connection
It all started when I was about 11
years old I had a fasination with
Orion the star consellation. I
read everything I could find on
Orion. In my teenage years I
always felt different, like I had
intuition and knowledge about
things but couldn't put my finger
on it. Then in 1995 my life was
in turmoil, drinking and so
forth. I didn't like where I was
heading and one night I layed in
bed and just started crying and
crying, in the fetal position. I
started to pray to God to help me
change, to stop drinking and make
something of myself and change my
life. After several almost a half
hr of this, exhausted, I suddernly
felt an overwhelming relief. I
rolled over in bed and looked at
my digital clock. And there was
when I saw my very first 11:11 !
After that I started seeing 11:11
on clocks consistently. Finally
one day after about 6 years of
seeing 11:11 I went to visit a
friend, I was living on Vancouver
Island, B.C. at the time. My
friend lived on a smaller island
so I took the ferry to visit her.
After awhile I told her that the
wierdest thing had been happening
to me, that I constantly was
seeing 11:11..My friend smiled,
and said "Oh my God, you are one
of the chosen ones" She was an
avid reader, she walked over to a
bookshelf and pulled out a book.
The book was called "11:11 The
Doorway" by Solara. She gave me
the book, and when I read it, I
found out that apparently Orion's
Belt is the Doorway to the 11:11
another dimension...so you can
imagine what I was feeling in that
moment. Everything suddenly all
made sense of why I saw Orion at
11 years old, why I always felt
different or "special" as a
teenager, and why I kept seeing
11:11. So that is my story. My
friends always tell me of how I
have changed their lives for the
better. One night we were sitting
in my living room with the lights
off, talking and suddenly we saw
little white lights going around
and around in my kitchen. I told
my girlfriends those are angels
which I know they were. I am still
in awe at all of it but accept it
and my life is very good now..:):)
I forgot to mention a couple of
things when I posted earlier.
My mother died when I was young,
my father raised us kids by
himself. We were extremely close,
he was older than most parents as
he was 47 when I was born, so in
my teens he was already in his
60's. My dad's parents died when
he was young and he was never
really sure of when his birthday
was or what year he was born, but
knew it was on a holiday. So for
years we thought his birthday was
Dec. 25 1912. But then when it
came time to collect his pension
he got information saying he was
born in 1911. After he passed away
my older sister got all his paper
work and it turns out my father
was born Nov. 11, 1911 which is
11/11/11. Also the house we lived
in growing up did not have house
numbers at the time. I moved back
to Sask from BC 30 years later and
in the small town we lived in I
drove past our old house. The
houses now all had numbers. Guess
what my dad's house # is now??
my dad was one of those angels
trying to communicate with me
Name: Sheila
Location: Saskatchewan
11 Leading back to the Heavens
I'm all of seventeen years old, which
Doesn't offer to much to build off of,
however I realized at a young age, that I
was able to offer insurmountable amounts
of knowledge. At about 14 I discovered
numerology an it revealed that I am a (9 +
2) making me an 11. I was impressed, then
things began to get extremely odd. As a
child, I always had felt a close bond with
the idea of heavens and with the stars. I
was reminded of this one day, when my
cousin prompted me to look up my
corresponding chakra to my ruling planet. It
was then I realized that not only is
Aquarius the 11th house, but Uranus is the
god for my chakra; the crown. With Uranus
being the God of the heavens, I then
realized why I felt so connected to the
As an 11 life path, I am categorized as a
As an Aquarius, I am categorized as a
thinker and great lover of life
As designated by tarot card: the star
(corresponding with Aquarius) I represent
The number 11 always leads me back to
heaven, especially because the crown
chakra is also called the "halo"
Name: Winter
Location: California, United States
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11:11 Experiences
Share Your Own 11:11 Experience
The Eleven-Eleven Phenomenon
Interesting Things About the Number "11"
Numerology and Numbers
Coincidence and Synchronicity
Earth Changes, 2012 and the Ascension
Cosmic Beings - Lightworkers, Starseeds and indigosmallers
The Spirit Realm