Magick, sometimes known as sorcery, is the art of focusing your will and emotions to effect change in the world around you and the world within you. The use of energy and a person’s own will and enabables them to control the natural world (including events, objects, people, and physical phenomena). Intention creates the change. Energy exists in all things: us, plants, stones, colors, sounds, movements, words. There is energy in thoughts and in emotion. Magick is the process of raising this energy, giving it purpose, and releasing it with the intention to create the desired change or effect.
Magick should not be confused with stage magic, which is why many scholars and practionioners of Magick spell it with the "K". This alternate spelling was also repopularized by Aleister Crowley when he introduced it as a core component of Thelema. The K is often used in order to distinguish it from stage magic. Either spelling is fine.
Crowley defined magick as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will."
* Every intentional (Willed) act is a Magical act.
* Magick is the Science of understanding oneself and one's conditions.
It is the Art of applying that understanding in action. *
Magick is also commonly associated with Wicca or Wiccan beliefs, and many Neopagan traditions, but of course Magick, it it's many forms, can be practiced by anyone.
It's broadest sence, Magick can be defined as any willed action leading to intended change. It can also be seen as the general set of methods used to accomplish the Great Work of mystical attainment. At the practical level, magick most often takes several practices and forms of ritual, including banishing, invocation and evocation, eucharistic ritual, consecration and purification, astral travel, yoga, sex magick, and divination.
Magick Spells
A list of Magick spells in various categories. Love spells, Money Spells, Protection Spells and many more. Some of the spells found in this section are very powerful. You'll find spells, charms, and rituals for almost every purpose and desire you might have. Some very rare magic spells are listed here, as well as very simple spells for the beginner and for anyone looking to create change or get what they want fast.
Protective Symbols, Charms and Totems
There is power in meanings of the old images and symbols. Below is a compendium of common symbols, charms and totems from antiquity that are thought to be useful against psychic aggression:
Abracabadra: One of the oldest protective amulets, this is the word Abracabadra written in a triangular form like as below for Protection.
Conjure up Romance: Basic Steps in Love Spell Casting
The casting of a love spell is a powerful thing. The combination of words and action can lead to magic and change your life forever. Spell casting has been used for centuries by love struck individuals wanting to take charge of their destiny and alter the course of their lives. The power of a love spell is not to be taken lightly. Before attempting to cast a spell on the one you love, learn the basics of spell casting.
Magick Types and Techniques
Learn more about Magick as defined by Aleister Crowley, and also the different types and techniques of magick such as Banishing,Purification, Invocation, Eucharist, ritual magick, and other magical practices.
Magic in History and Religion
Explaining the origins of magic, and magical practices in various forms and throughout different time periods, cultures and religions, as well as the types and forms of spells and spell casting.
Underground Witchcraft Secrets
Discover the #1 mistake people make when casting spells & how to make sure your spells are successful
The key secrets to magick & spell work that many witches don't want you to know.
A resource and library dedicated to Wicca, Paganism, General Religion, Philosophy, Occult, Parapsychology, and the Paranormal and more.
An Herbal index list of herbs for both magickal and healing/health uses. A good base of knowledge for anyone to start with.
The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
Tons of Pagan Resources, Articles, Herbs,Magick,Metaphysics,Neo-Wicca,Occult, and much more.
Pagan/Wiccan Graphics
Animated images, 3d graphics, and other miscellaneous pagan/wiccan/celtic and even astrological images you can use for free.
If your looking for astrological graphics, images of pentacles or candles you can check out this site
Book of Shadows of a Green Witch
Herbal Magick and an alphabetical list of Magickal Herbs, and much more.
The Hermetic Library
The Libri of Aleister Crowley,The Magick and Mysticism of Bill Heidrick,, Enochian Magick Papers & Links,The Works of Frater Osiris and much more.
Magick Without Tears
What is Magick?, The Necessity of Magick, Hieroglypics: Life and Language... and more chapter from "Magick Without Tears" .By Aleister Crowley
Witchcraft, Magick & Occult
Witchcraft, Magick & Occult Traditions, Magickal Beliefs, Magickal Traditions,Superstitions, and an archive of articles about magick.
The Witches' Voice
The Witches' Voice offers the latest in news and networking for the Modern Witch, Wiccan and Pagan Community
Magical Herbalism
Read part of the book "Magickal Herbalism" by Scott Cunningham
Chaos Magick
What is Chaos magick? Article about the subject by Frater Dagaz
Creative Visualization
Magick Spells
The Magick of Intention