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Being In The Now
I see it since my childhood.
About five years ago I consciously
"woke up". On good days, when I am
"in tune" I see it. That's what it
tell's me - that I am aligned wiht
my higher self, heading into the
right direction.
Now it's not only the eleven. It's
every fractal geometry. 15:55,
22:22 - it all tell's me there is
some connection. Also 14:41, etc.
As soon as there is beauty and
symmetry to it there is this
Other events in my life are seeing
ufo's, auras and having obe's, etc.
I went to India.
Meteor's exploded into blue flashes
of light when a roof-top
conversation reached it's
conclusion by: "And then, in the
end of the dream, everything - the
whole universe - came together in
this one spot of light - all was
one and still everything,
11:11 is like a small exploding
meteor for me. :)
Yeah. Well. That's like a hugh "pay
attention!" sign.
I got very esoteric over the years,
and now I am getting much more into
the basics of Eckhart Tolle and
Ramana Maharshi.
Funny thing is that David Wilcock
and Sri Aurobindo basically say the
same things.
And the even better thing about all
this is, that I am having a vibrant
life including all this. :)
Be in the now, everyone!
(Cause that's what "end of times"
really means! ;))
Soul Searching And Life Changes
My 11:11 experiences don't frighten me however they do frustrate me, as I'm sure many
others have been frustrated as well. I just feel compelled to continually look for answers
but honestly I'm afraid no one really has the full answer. I feel its a positive entity and
welcome all it brings. If I had to list all the experiences I've encountered in the last
year since I first noticed it I would be here all day and I'm sure would begin to bore
everyone. The first time I noticed it was when my new husband and I were relocating from
NJ to FL, our apartment number was 1111 in NJ, our new house number in Fl. was 11 and our
street name had 11 letters in it. We felt oh cool its meant to be, fate.
Anyway this time
of my life was a time of major life change, relocating, job change, my son moving in with
his father, my older son getting married and now fathering his first child and so on. Ive
had people say 11:11 to me several times about five or 6 times within a 90 day period, one
was when making an appointment and the girl asked if November 11th was ok, my oil change
sticker has 11 11 or 111,111 miles for the next oil change, when working my new job, I
continually questioned my self "is this what u want to do", just then someone in the same
aisle asked what time it was and a gentlemen standing next to him said 11:11, when in
training for this new job the facilitator said let me just throw a number out at ya... yep
u guessed it 11.11. a co worker replied to me it was only 11:11 when i said oh let me get
to lunch so I can get back.. the list goes on.. my new married name has 11 letters in it..
Every time I get the urge to look at the clock its 11:11 or 2:11 3:11 and so forth, the
microwave will stop on 111, I wake up and see its 11:11 several times, things like that.I
mean the list goes on and on.
However the the most memorable was when driving in my new
neighborhood after about 3 months there and I had been driving down this road lots of times
but one day something made me turn my head just in time to see the local church and on
their sign that I had looked at maybe 30 times or so before, suddenly 1111 big as day fixed
on their marker or name plate, indicating their address. that shook me to the core. I then
had to come and Google 1111 after feeling like someone was trying to tell me something but
I didn't know what, and the flood gates opened.
I had no idea as many others has the same
experiences. I'm feeling like this is a hush hush topic as I've never seen any TV shoes
about the phenomenon and when I feel compelled to ask people if they ever heard about this
or know about it they don't know anything about it or feel its a special number. I feel
special and embrace these experiences but would love to know what it means and why this is
happening to me. Ive read many articles but just don't feel satisfied yet. One thing I
noticed is that Im continually questioning myself ":are you doing the right thing, is this
where you should be in life, and also what my purpose is in life and how I can make a
difference. In a sense I feel a bit lost, my husband is wonderful and I love him and has
no reflection on him, but its just kind of soul searching. I feel these are connected with
the 11:11 along with major life changes.
Name: -
Location:Florida USA
The 11:11 Is Calling
I tried calling my friend but she
wasn't home, so i left a message
(it was 11:11 pm), then two more
times I left a message and each
message was at 11:11, it wasn't on
purpose, just happened to look at
clock to tell her what time I was
calling. All 3 calls were in a
row, starting at 11:11 pm.
Location:N Dak
Have No Fear: 11:11 Is Here
Yes 11:11 I almost see this
number in my watch, cellphone,
digital clock, laptop for almost
3 years now. I'm a bit scared
since I thought I was the only
one seeing this number at least 3
to 4 times a week. But, just this
morning I tried to browse it and
I saw this website and was
surprised that i'm not only the
person experiencing this 11:11 .
I hope that i can learned more
about this 11:11
A Time To Focus On Good Intentions
My 1st awareness of 11 11 was
about 11 yrs ago! Saw it alot was
feeling crazy.. a weird shift also
I delivered mail and names music
house nos. were matching sometimes
15 x a day I asked fellow letter
carriers not 1 had the experiences
I did. at 1st I was frightened,
wigged out ! Now when I see it I
make the time to observe it and
remain calm for a min. try to
meditate and focus my intentions
on world peace universal harmony
and gratitude. Make sense!!!
Location:USA Fl a Or.
The Nature of Numbers and Time Cycles
On 1/11 my grandmother was born.
She had a daughter on 1/11. My
grandmother's mother then died on
her birthday 1/11. Later after 38
years of marriage her husband also
died on that same day 1/11. I her
first grandchild then gave birth
to her first great grandchild on
1/11. He will turn 11, 1/11/11.
Location:NY, USA
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11:11 Experiences
Share Your Own 11:11 Experience
The Eleven-Eleven Phenomenon
Interesting Things About the Number "11"
Numerology and Numbers
Coincidence and Synchronicity
Earth Changes, 2012 and the Ascension
Cosmic Beings - Lightworkers, Starseeds and indigosmallers
The Spirit Realm