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The Awakening to The New Era
hi... im Emmanuelle, i was born in
pr, i started seeing this 1111
about 5 or 6 years ago, i thought
at first i was getting crazy, 1111,
111, 222, 333,444 etc.. it was like
something make me look at the clock
at the exact time, first i was
scare and i tried to ignore it, but
then it got worst, every where, i
started to feel confused about
everything, nothing would make
sense, so i went to the internet
and i put 1111 and all this theory
came up, i kept my self reading and
i went deeper, it was like i was
thirsty of knowledge, urantia book,
the bible, sumerian, illuminatis,
free mason etc.. i was getting
inside of a new world of
knowledge.. my family from my dad
are christians, my family from my
mom are catholics and my dad his a
budist.. i have been reading a lot,
and analyzing everything that i
read with the things that happen to
me in my daily live... who we are,
what we supposed to do.. headaches,
body pain, like my mind is
somewhere else, awaking?? yes, i
started to see beyond normal eyes
can see, looking at the plants, the
animals, life, how human race are
becoming what they are.. how the
bible its been manipulated to
control civilizations, what
happened with the essence of life,
moral, love, the reason the
mission... christ conscience, i see
how people repeat what somebody
teach them, but knowledge, real
truth is inside of us, we have to
look for the truth and open our
conscience to understand the
meaning of light and love, 2012 is
going to be the start of a new era,
and people like us are the new
conscience poeple to lead the
other, we come to life to learn, we
are in a karmic cicle of life, we r
not alone in the universe is time
to open our eyes, and see life in a
new dimension, we have the
potential, we feel like we dont
belong in here in this world of war
and death, is time to change our
life and love every single molecule
of air that we breath.. its time to
prove that we are a good race, and
we were just manipulated since we
were born. 1111 its in us, christ
conscience ..love to all
coscu69(@)gmail(dot)com that my email
Name: Emmanuelle
Location: illinois
Something Great Is Going To Happen
Oh God ! it has always irritated
me, but never knew it has a global
meaning , i thought it will be a
private personal incident or so !
that was 13 years ago , when i had
a dream with 11:11 written infront
of my eyes, so i woke up ,
expecting every 11 Nov. each year
and nothing happens. But today,
when a relative of mine attracted
my attention that this year,
EVRYBODY, and i mean everybody if
counted the year he was born and
his age, it will be 111 ! Then i
remembered my dream , and iam 100%
sure something realll greattt will
happen this year .Only Allah knows
what might happen, God bless us
all .
Location: Egypt
A Time For Revealing The Truth
As with all on this site, I began
seeing 11:11 on a clock. Not only
was I seeing it, I stopped
whatever I was doing if a clock
was nearby and looked as if
forced. My focus was held to the
clock until it turned to 11:12.
Sometimes it felt like time stood
still and I was drawn into a
Mine started about seven years ago
and for a couple of years, I asked
people around me and they didn 't
know what I was talking about and
looked at me amused. (I was the
weird one in my family.)
In 1992, in a dramatic fashion,
(psychic) gifts (all) opened to me
and I could "hear and see " angels
and other beings. Since then,
retired from medical field, I have
been studying metaphysics and the
great "prophets " of the world,
For me, I discovered we (11:11ers)
are the humans chosen in this time
and place to not only ascend to
higher consciousness individually,
revealing long lost and oppressed
truths, but to tell the world what
is going on. 11:11 means new world
via "Forced Consciousness. " So, I
am writing a book all about it
with help from the 5th dimension
helpers. Look for it soon.
"Man Made "
Name: Marsha
Location: Missouri, USA
11:11 Make A Wish!
Everytime i see 11:11 on the clock,
i make a wish. made 4 this week.
You should too!
Name: Buddy
Location: Philth-a-delphia USA
A Birthday To Remember
On 11/11/11 my daughter will turn
11. How cool is that?
Name: Yo MaMa
Location: Oklahoma USA
A Friend You Can Count On
Since a few years already I
constantly have the 11:11 in front
of my eyes. Each time i'm looking
at my watch no matter where I am it
seems like i'm programmed to look
at the time at that moment.
11:11 is now so much part of my
life that I sense some kind of
humorous feeling each time I see
it, like if someone was waving at
me saying : "hee hoo, we're here,
you remember ??"
Seeing 11:11 is like receiving a
sms from a friend now, I'm not
waiting for it, it just appears in
front of my eyes when he wants to
say hello.
Now that we are near 2012 I sense
more and observe (especially on
internet) that 11:11 will have a
special impact.
Name: Felix
Location: Belgium
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