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11:11 TimeWave
My birthday is 11/11/65. 65 is
During 2012 timewave(or end-time
as the maya claim it to be)I will
be 47. 4+7=11
My son's birthday is 12/17/90
1+2+1+7=11. 9+1+1=11
During the 2012 timewave he will
be 22. 11+11=22
I've sensed this megachange and
strange phenomenon about existence
in my life as long as I can
remember. I feel I am starborn.
I worry and "know" 2012 will
occur. I fear for the world.
Name: Anonymous
Location: /
The Psychology of The 11:11
I will try to explain in my best
english. I been having this 11:11
experience since about 10 years
ago on and off, like if I'm
driving and something make me look
a the clock and is 11:11; when I'm
cooking and I turn to see my stove
clock. the most common is to wake
up and turn to watch my clock next
tio my bed just see it is 11:11,
2:22, 3:33 and so on. Lately I
been going to job interviews and
happened twice thath the address
is 1111; my last job I started on
11/11, but I thought this was
happening only to me but I had the
feeling that was something special
until yesterday just playing I
type on my Web Search 11:11 and I
found all this about it. I'm a
very psychical person by nature
and I love all that is about
mysticism and things like that and
I very surprised that I'M NOT
Name: chayito1954
Location : California
Much More Than A Coincidence
I am only 12 years old and the 11:!
11 experiences happen to me quite
frequently my mom shares stories
that she too has had many
sightings of the number 11 111 or
1111 in her life it used to scare
me before i realized that it
wasn't a bad thing. test scores
that i get back in school seem to
frequently appear 11:11. i also
see the time 1111 often as well.
when i least expect it the number
will appear. i used to think it
was coincidence...but now i see it
is much more
Name: phenie1229
Location : NY
Understanding The Eleven Eleven
I have been seeing 11:11 on random
clocks for about 6 years now.
I've told people about it, but
they just dont understand what the
big deal is. It use to freak me
out but I think Im starting to
understand. Its nice to know that
Im not the only one.
Name: Anonymous
Location : MI
11:11 Clock Experience
It started, actually, when my dad mentioned
seeing the number 111 or 1111 all the time. my
dad wouldn't just say something like that unless
it really stuck out to him, he saw it quite a bit.
As soon as he told me, then I started to see it,
now more than ever. I have continually seen it
since then and can't seem to find an answer for
it. My dad doesn't see it anymore, but I still do
and cannot figure out why. It is always I will
look at a clock and it will say 11:11 or 1:11. Or
it could be anywhere, but it is mainly the clock.
If anyone has any answers, please tell me.
Name: eliemay18
Location : MI
Being Guided By The Right Time
Recently i have been looking at
the clock at 11:11 and other times
with 11 in it like 2:11 or 5:11
ect... i know there is something
spiritual or supernatural about it
but everytime i talked to my
family about it they think im
crazy or they think its a
coincedence, but it cant be a
coincendence if it happens all the
Name: Anonymous
Location : /
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11:11 Experiences Share Your Own 11:11 Experience The Eleven-Eleven Phenomenon Interesting Things About the Number "11" Numerology and Numbers Coincidence and Synchronicity Earth Changes, 2012 and the Ascension Cosmic Beings - Lightworkers, Starseeds and indigosmallers The Spirit Realm