Read 11:11 Experiences, Stories and Inspirational Messages from around the world.
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More To It Than Meets The Eye
I`ve been seeing 11:11 1:11 and
9:11 for i think about 10 years
now. have always known it was
something between me and the things
we know are there but can`t "see".
I was ectualy lookig up some
things about Nibiru and zacariah
sitchin when i came acros this web
site. got to say i think it is
super cool i share my 11:11
experiences with many others from
all over the world! Be light...
Name: Hugo
Location: Canada bc
Lucky Number Eleven
In elementary, I was always number
11. My social security number equals
38. 3+8=11. 1+1=2 which happens to be
my lucky number according to
numerology! WEIRDDDD!!!!!
Name: Cookie
Location: CA
On A Spiritual Path
Since 2004 way too many too
mention: would be about 300
experiences! Last example of
number "coincidence" would be
receipt for $11.77,change was 23
cents. I was born 12/23 1956,which
adds to 11! No. 23 also comes up
all the time. Ever see the movie
The Number 23 with Jim Carrey?
That kind of thing is regular life
for me ! I find it comforting and
amusing though; it means you're on
the spiritual path. Hope this
helps anyone else with this
Name: henry caudle
Location: w cola, SC
Destinies That Intertwine
Greetings to all my brothers and
sisters, I too suffer the
phenomenon thus am connected to
all of you as all of you are
connected to each other. Why we
share this wonder has been, and
is, open to much debate and
speculation. I am as much
confused as many of you but have
realized that there are thousands
and thousands of people from all
over the world, from all walks of
life that share a common
experience on a regular basis.
This is beyond mortal
comprehension and as thus should
not be dwelled upon too deeply.
Keep you hearts and minds open as
our destinies intertwine.
Name: Randy
Location: usa
A Connection To Guardian Angels
I read some of the stories and I
don't know if some of the stories
are true. I like to get an answer
for my situation, last week a
coworker started asking me if I
believe in guardian angels and he
talked to me about them if I
believe in them. then even though
i have always used to see 11:11 in
the past but it became too
frequent after my coworker spoke
to me, untill yesterday that I saw
it twice and I thought its too
much so I started searching 11:11
on the internet. and I found out
for the first time that 11:11 is
connected to guardian angels. does
this have meaning? I am not even
christian. can anyone let me know.
Name: Unknown
Location: Canada
Sending Out Positive Vibrations
I have been seeing 11:11 for
almost 30 years. I've talked to a
couple of people over the years
about it and no one knows what I
am talking about. I am new to the
internet and just today decided to
google 11:11 and I am in shock
that Others are seeing this too! I
have pondered the meaning of this
for so long! and now I have read
that 11:11 is also connected to
1012! My birthday is 12-21 and in
1012 I will be 55 and it is
suppose to happen at 11:11 NOW I
going on? Can we really use the
white light within us to make the
changes that need to come to save
ourselves from ourselves? I will
keep sending out the positive
vibes I have always sent to all of
human kind, We are all
connected...All is One
Name: -
Location: Oregon, USA
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11:11 Experiences
Share Your Own 11:11 Experience
The Eleven-Eleven Phenomenon
Interesting Things About the Number "11"
Numerology and Numbers
Coincidence and Synchronicity
Earth Changes, 2012 and the Ascension
Cosmic Beings - Lightworkers, Starseeds and indigosmallers
The Spirit Realm