The Hopi Prophecies
The Cherokee Prophecies
The Chippewa Prophecies
The Mohawk Prophecies
The Lakota/Sioux Prophecies
Apache Prophecies
Hopi Mythology
Wikipedia article on on Hopi Mythology that explains the Major Deities,Feminist Interpretations,The Four Worlds,Entrance into the Fourth World,
The Migrations,The Sacred Hopi Stones, Kachinas and Pahana.
Article - Hopi Prophecy Conditional - To Whom it May Concern
The Hopi people received many prophecies from Creator, and they were given instructions with them. These instructions showed that the prophecies are conditional. These prophecies have world wide implications, especially in the Middle East...
Hopi Prophecy, Exciting Fulfillment Happening
Cherokee elder and wisdom keeper, John Red Hat Duke, met many times with Hopi Chiefs and elders. He was a close personal friend of John Lansa, who Dottie understands was Hopi Chief of Oraibi over 25 years ago...
The Teachings, History
and Prophecies of the Hopi People
From the Beginning of Life to the Day of Purification...As told by
Dan Kotshongva (Qötshongva), Sun Clan (ca. 1865-1972)
Cherokee Prophecy
At CherokeeDiscovery.com you can read about the Cherokee Prophecies, download Cherokee Music,Learn About Cherokee Medicine, and even Learn the Cherokee Language.
Article - Cherokee Prophecy - Chief Tribe of the End Days
The Hopi people received many prophecies from Creator, and they were given instructions with them. These instructions showed that the prophecies are conditional. These prophecies have world wide implications, especially in the Middle East...
A Cherokee Legend by Lee Brown, Cherokee
FirstPeople.us brings us this exciting website focused on Native American People, Legends, and Prophecies. Here is a Cherokee Prophecy from the site.
Ojiibwe (Chippewa) Propecy of the Fires
Seven prophets came to the Anishinabe. Each of the prophecies was called a
fire and each fire referred to a particular era of time that would come
in the future
Mary No-Eyes, Medicine Woman, Chippewa
From the book Pheonix Rising by Mary Summer Rain. In her summary of “The Phoenix Chronicles”, Mary Summer Rain listed some signs of the times and the birth of the Phoenix...
Lakota Prophecy
Taken from the book Black Elk Speaks, by John G. Neihardt. The book is Neihardt's recreation in English of the oral history that Black Elk, a medicine man (or "shaman," of the Oglala Sioux Indians, recounted for him in the Sioux language in 1931.
The White Buffalo Woman
The Sioux are a warrior tribe, and one of their proverbs says, "Woman shall not walk before man. " Yet White Buffalo Woman is the dominant figure of their most important legend. ...
Prophecy Of The Secenth Generation
IndianLegend.com is a wonderful site that explains the many legends and prophecies of Native American people such as the Mohawk, Chumash, Comanche, Lenape, Algonquin, Iriquois, Cheyenne, Seneca, Chinook, Choctaw and more.
Mohawk Prophecies
The two prophecies: Hopes and fears for the future. The Prophecy Of The Seventh Generation and The Prophecy Of The Two Serpents.
Night of the Red Sky
In the 1920s, an Apache wise man had a Vision of four prophecies that foretold death and destruction for mankind, unless we incorporate Spirit in our daily lives. Two of these prophecies may already have come true.
Native American Prophecies Fulfilled
"North American Indian Prophecies"-- excerpts from a talk given by
Lee Brown (Baha'i- Cherokee) at the 1986 Baha'i Continental Indigenous Council, Fairbanks, Alaska