Free astrology related resources, astrological software programs for education and chart generators, links to websites for astrology organizations, zodiac art and graphics, quizzes and other fun astrological goodies.
Organizations, Societies and Groups | Colleges and Educational Associations | Programs and Software | Apps for Mobile Devices | Quizzes and Tests | Fun and Games | Clipart and Graphics | News, Articles and Books | Miscellaneous |
International Society of Astrological Research
ISAR is dedicated to advancing astrological education and research.
American Federation of Astrologers
AFA encourages and promotes the science and art of astrology through research, teachings, lecturing and practice.
The Astrological Association of Great Britian
Serving astrology by informing and bringing together astrologers from all over the world.
The Organization for Professional Astrology
OPA is a non-prfit organization that helps astrologers get the information, tools, and experiences they need to improve their practices.
Association for Astrological Networking
Dedicated to enhancing, protecting, and validating the important role astrologers and astrology have in today's society.
Association for Young Astrologers
non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational and networking opportunities for those interested in astrology, with a focus on young people, those new to the field, and aspiring professionals.
Association for Psychological Astrology
Founded in 1987, The Association for Psychological Astrology (APA) is dedicated to the integration of astrology and psychology.
Astrology Society of South Africa
The mission of The Astrological Society of South Africa (ASSA) is to provide a network for astrologers who wish to share their knowledge with colleagues as well as with the layman.
National Council for Geocosmic Research
(NCGR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to building communinity by raising the standards of astrological education and research.
Federation of Australian Astrologers
(FAA) represents a group of people dedicated to the astrological principles of education and research.
Council of Vedic Astrology
Providing education and certification to Vedic (Jyotisha and Hindu astrology) astrologers worldwide.
British Association for Vedic Astrology
BAVA increases awareness of this ancient science through webinars, courses, workshops and annual conferences in the UK.
The Advisory Panel on Astrological Education
APAE is an independent non-profit making body constituted by the major Astrological organisations and teaching bodies in the United Kingdom.
Astrology News Service
The Astrology News Service (ANS) seeks to educate the public about astrology and its value to individuals and society. The ANS is a joint project of the astrological associations ISAR, NCGR, AFA and AFAN.
Urania Trust - North America
A list of Astrological Groups, societies and organizations located in North America
Urania Trust - Inernational
A list of international Astrological Groups, societies and organizations (located outside of North America).
Local Astrology Organization in the United States
Find local astrology organizations and associations offering education, certification, lectures, and professional support in all 50 u.s states.
Kepler College Educational Program
Kepler College is a global leader in quality astrological education seeking to create an online learning environment conducive to the promotion of the best practices of in education.
Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture
Investigating the role of cosmological, astrological and astronomical beliefs, models and ideas in human culture. Offers distance-learning, on-line, for MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology.
Faculty of Astrological Studies
Founded in 1948 in London, England, the mission is to raise the standard of astrological education, offering various astrological courses.
International Academy of Astrology
As the established leader in astrological classes in an online environment, the International Academy of Astrology is dedicated to the best of traditional astrological education, with a goal of raising the standard for astrological practice around the world.
Astrology College - Courses by Correspondance
UK specialist astrology college delivering astrology distance learning courses (correspondence courses) worldwide for personal development or professional training.
The Centre for Psychological Astrology
The CPA provides a unique workshop, seminar and professional training programme, designed to foster the cross-fertilisation of the fields of astrology and depth, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology.
The Mayo School of Astrology
Based in London, U.K and offering astrolgy certifications and diploma courses through distance learning, and is recognised as one of the foremost and internationally acclaimed astrology correspondence schools.
Astrological Psychology Association
The membership association for all interested in studying, using and developing astrological psychology or 'Huber Astrology'.
The London School of Astrology
Offering high quality education taught by some of the leading tutors and professional astrologers in the country.
Avalon School of Astrology
A vocational Astrology school located in Gainseville, Fl, U.S, providing comprehensive training that prepares students for a career in the field of astrology.
Canadian Association for Astrological Education
The CAAE is made up of a large network of educated and established astrology teacher members who bring forth the CAAE professional astrology curriculum to student members while delivering the material with their own teaching filter and style.
American institute of Vedic Studies
web-based educational center providing a broad range of courses, resources and publications for an international audience. It focuses on Ayurveda, Yoga-Vedanta, Vedic astrology and their interconnections. Vedic astrology and their interconnections. It correlates Veda and Tantra along with the background system of Hinduism or ?Sanatana Dharma?.
The Association of Professional Astrologers International
The Association of Professional Astrologers International is the professional body for astrologers in the UK and abroad.
Free Astrology Programs
A list of free astrology downloads for western and vedic astrology.
Free Astrology Software
A list of free astrology and numerology programs compatible with Windows 98 to Windows 8
MB Fun And Games Astrology
This program shows you the fun and entertainment side of astrology. This program includes Fashion Astrology, Food Astrology, Travel Astrology, Gift Astrology, Flower Astrology, and Fruit Astrology.
Softlist Astrology Programs
A list of freeware and shareware astrology related software
Birth/Natal Chart Programs
A list of freeware and shareware astrology software for calculating astrological charts
Astrology Software for Mac
The finest astrology software created especially for Mac users
Astrology Software
Lots of astrology programs - chinese astrology, native american astrology, tibetan astrology, mayan astrology, kaballah astrology and more.
Free natal/birth chart calculators (interpretations included), Star sign calculators, Moon Sign Calculators, Ascendant (Rising Sign) Calculators (simple and advanced), Love Sign Compatability and much more. Visit the the Astrology Calculators section for the list.
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Best Astrology Apps for Android
10 Best Astrology Apps for Android
Best iPhone Apps for Astrologers
Zodiac Sign Mobile Wallpaper Images
Astrological Word Sramble
Guess the astrological related word by rearranging the given letters.
Chinese Zodiac Word Search
Memorize the example constellations and then connect the stars with your mouse to draw each sign. Draw the sign correctly to move to the next level.
Horoscope Puzzles
Horoscope Puzzle drawing and memory games, and horoscope style quiz games.
Zodiac Online MMO Game
A colorful massively multiplayer game based on the Chinese Zodiac. Its 12 characters are set in a fantasy land born of an amazing legend of allegiance, valiance, and guardianship.
Zodiac Games
Zodiac hidden objects, zodiacus, zodiac break, chinese zodiac quest, love horoscope hidden object, zodiac break, zodiac match, zodiac fashion makeover and more!
More Zodiac Games
Zodiac tower, Zodiac reactor, zodiac master puzzle, zodiac dress up and makeover, and zodiac love tester.
Chinese Zodiac Word Search
Animals of the Chinese Zodiac word search and word game for kids.
Zodiac Sign Quizzes
How Much Do You Know About Your Sign?
Astrology Triva and Quizzes
Random Astrological Quizzes
Astrology Quizzes and Fun Tests
A collection of Astrology Selectors and quizzes
See The Astrological Humor section for funny (but so true) descriptions of the 12 zodiac signs.
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Western and Chinese Astrology Clipart Graphics
Astrology Glyphs and Signs Graphics (dingbat fonts)
Astrology Glitter Graphics
Zodiac Sign Wallpaper Images
Zodiac Sign Screensavers for Windows
More Zodiac Sign Wallpaper & Graphics
B&W Astrological Sign Images
Zodiac Signs and Symbols Coloring Pages
Chinese Astrology Coloring Pages
More Astrology Coloring Page Images
The Origins and History of Modern Western Astrology
This is the basic origin of modern astrology and in part of modern astronomy.
Basic Understanding of Astrology & Horoscopes
The horoscope can also be useful when you require a better understanding about others around you.
Exploring The Inner Workings of Astrology
By understanding the inner workings of the astrological system, one can gain deeper insight into their own inner nature.
Astrological News
Weekly updated Astrological News headlines and stories
Astrological News
Current Planetary Transits and upcoming celestial events.
Free Astrology E-Books A list of free astrological ebooks for you to read online, a majority of which are related to the esoteric study of this ancient science and art.
Astrological and Other Occult Links
Astrology software, articles, newsletters, tarot, and lots of astrological software programs and resources for serious students of astrology.
Astrology Fonts
Miscellaneous Astrological related FONTS for you to download to your computer for free.