I was puzzled for a long time, about UFO secrecy, I mean why is it classified as being Above Top Secret, with a level of classification higher then atomic bomb secrets. I can see why some of the secrecy exists, when it comes to developing new military aircraft and other such craft, as is needed for national security reasons.
But as I became more and more aware that the UFO - Alien enigma, was really a satanic and demonic plan, it became clear why the level of secrecy was so high. The main goal of the UFO - and Alien planners that are in the 'Know' of the plan, know that this is a battle for the souls of all mankind.
There are two main types of military personnel or groups that are involved with the UFO Phenomena, one group is those that are in the so called 'Know', these are the top brass that are communication one on one with the fallen angels, themselves and realize what the true UFO and Alien agenda is about. These men, or women, are promised and given earthly desires such as military powers, money, and numerous other gratuity for their service to these demonic forces. These men or women would quite probably be murdered or have their families kidnapped or worse if they revealed the true UFO agenda to the public. The fallen angels and demons masquerading as aliens, know that this agenda is a major part of the 'Great Deception' against Christians and Jesus Christ, and they will do anything they can to make their plans come about.
What is sad to me, is this is another reason I believe Jesus states in the Holy Bible, in Mark 8:36 - 'For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?', I ask anyone who is in the 'Know' about the UFO and Alien Agenda, to read that little passage over and over, and think about it. The time we all have on this Earth is very short, is a few years of earthly pleasure, worth an eternity in Hell. Why serve created beings, when you can serve the glorious Creator, and be on the winning side, remember Satan and his forces have already lost, their fate is sealed, don't make yours the same fate.
Another group is those that believe they are working along with real aliens from some other planet, and they will keep quiet because they are given technology, for their part of the service. This high ranking classified type of work, also gets power, money, etc. To revel this so-called alien technology to the public, would result in a dishonorable discharge from the military, losing ones pension or retirement funds, and quite possibly long prison sentences, or worse.
I believe the main source or plan for the UFO - Alien secrecy classification comes from Satan and his fallen angels, and the demons, then it filters down to the top leaders, and military commanders, and then those involved in the hidden, or black-operations as they are called. The government controls the media, so it's not hard to issue a disinformation campaign against those that report ufo accounts, especially when the government can pull or cancel a television stations license.
The veil of silence, secrecy, disinformation and ridicule is slowly being removed, as more and more UFO's are appearing around the world. This is because the world is slowly becoming brainwashed into thinking that UFO's and Aliens are real, in that we are being visited by real extraterrestrial beings from another planet. Once the mainstream of human consciousness becomes attuned to the alien (demonic) agenda, there will be a worldwide UFO event or unveiling, which I believe will be the 'Great Deception; that Jesus talked about in the Holy Bible.
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