More and more people are getting interested in spirituality these days. Usually, when someone initially begins to take an interest in spirituality, they start to ask themselves the deeper questions about the world around them, and about their own life. They may start searching the internet for the answers to these questions and to expand their knowledge about various spiritual topics. As one's personal understanding of spirituality deepens, they may look for ways to intergrate more spirituality, or spiritual practice, into their daily lives. Some people end up spending a lot of unecessary time and money looking for quick results. Often, one's expectations can become too high. For example, they may feel that if they are not recieving 'spiritual bliss' or if their life doesn't dramatically improve after a short time of spiritual practice, that something is lacking, and they may continue searching for a shortcut method to spiritual enlightenment or continue swapping out one spiritual practice for another. This can cause the person to become disilusioned and stop practicing spirituality all together. The reason why many people are not getting the desired results they want from their spiritual practice is because, in most cases, they do not have a complete understanding of some basic Spiritual Principles. If one is sincere on their spiritual quest, then taking the time to learn and practice these principles of spirituality will allow them to experiencing a more genuine spirituality, or spiritual experience, in their lives.
There are as many paths to God as there are people in the world. The goal of a spiritual seeker should be to merge with God, or Source energy, no matter which path one decides to follow. Every single person is unique and spiritual practices that inspire one person, may not inspire or work for another. There are an infinite number of ways to reach one's spiritual goal, but one should keep the actual goal or destination in mind, and not place so much focus or meaning on any particular path or spiritual practice along the way. If several people were suffering from a physical ailment, the same treatment may not work for all of them. Each person may respond to the same treatment differently, and this is how it is with spiritual practice. Since each of us are different, we may need to find the spiritual practice that works for us. We will know if the path or practice is right for us because it will be moving us closer to our goal, which is to merge with God, or Source, in order to experience true spiritual enlightenment.
The next spiritual principle tells us to go 'from many to one'. This principle is showing us that we should focus our efforts on one, instead of many. By concentrating on too many spirutual techniques, methods or practices, our energy can become scattered and there may be little results, and often confusion or overwhelm. The key is to focus one's attention and energy on one particular spiritual path or practice in order to experience the full benefit of it, which can take some time. When our energies are scattered all over in several places at once, then we can not get the full effect of any one of them as well as we could if we were to just focus on the One. The best spiritual path or practice to focus on would be the one that is helping you to reach your one spiritual goal (see principle 1).
Allowing our spirituality or spiritual practice to progress from the Gross (tangible) to the subtle (intagible) is the next principle. This principle tells us that we need to improve our spiritual practice not only in a physical, or tangible way, but also on a more subtle or intagible level. A subtle spiritual practice is more powerfull than a gross, or tangible one. When it comes to practicing spirituality, going through the motions of ritualistic worship or repeating techniques in a repetitive or mindless way tends to replace actual devotion or true spiritual closeness to God. The inner experience that one is having during spiritual practice is more important that the actual physical actions or practice themselves. One should have deep within themselves an actual intense desire for spiritual growth as they are preforming their spiritual practice or technique, keeping the goal of God in mind and in heart. The spiritual practice should be a meaningful experience on all levels, and not just something one is doing or 'going through the motions'.
The next principle says that we should undertake spiritual practice as per one's personal level or spiritual capacity. Everyone is at a different level of understanding or ability when it comes to spirituality. Each seeker is at a different stage on their spiritual path. One should try to improve one's personal capacity to do a spiritual practice so as not to get stuck into one level of spirituality. When first starting out on a spiritual path or when first practicing spirituality, one may initially seek connection with God or contact with the Divine through personal methods or techniques. The next level beyond this urges us to integrate this inner spiritual practice with our daily lives through study so that one can deepen their understanding on a mental level, not just the physical level. One can raise to a higher level of spirituality or spiritual practice by spending time in nature and appreciating the spirituality that is all around them. At an even higher level, we learn to feel the presence of God and practice spirituality no matter what the conditions of the encironment, even if they are negative or not ideal. The presence of God and true spirituality can always be found with the temple of the heart.
7 Universal Laws and Hermetic Principles
Earth Changes
The Mind-Body
The Year 2012